Years of experience

We have over 35 years of experience in the issuing and acquiring sector. We know that businesses rely on us to provide secure, swift and reliable payment processing solutions. With our comprehensive range of products and experience for your business to draw upon, we tailor solutions to meet your needs. Our goal is simple, to help your business grow.

Our comprehensive selection of end-to-end payment solutions is designed to meet our customer’s everyday business needs. Whether you are a service provider, merchant or an agent looking for a solution for your business, we are dedicated to helping your business succeed.

Our Locations

United Kingdom
Czech Republic

HQ - Reykjavík Iceland

We have been a key player in electronic payment services in Iceland since 1980 and are a reliable and trustworthy partner.


Card Present

London, United Kingdom

We use National settlement for your domestic currency.


Card Present

Praha, Česká Republika

Naše služby v oblasti platebních terminálů a platebních bran jsou poskytovány ve spolupráci s B-Payment v České republice.Pro zúčtování využíváme tuzemské převody v českých korunách.


Card Present

Budapest, Magyarország

A forintban történő tranzakciók a magyar Nemzeti Nettó Elszámolási Rendszer alapján kerülnek elszámolásra Magyarországon belül.


Card Present


Naše služby v oblasti platobných terminálov a platobných brán sú poskytované v spolupráci s B-Payment v Slovenske republike.


Card Present


Koristimo nacionalno namirenje za vašu domaću valutu.


Card Present


Whether you are a service provider, merchant or agent looking for a solution for your business, we are dedicated to helping your business succeed.

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Card Present

We offer card present services for businesses that engage in either face-to-face transactions or operate in a cardholder-activated terminal environment.

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Manage payments with real time data, anytime, anywhere. B-Online is our web portal that enables partners and merchants to review card transaction history and settlements.

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